Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 3, 2015

In Mexico exists a series of gigantic stone heads featuring Negroid facial features. These are known as the Olmec heads. All historians in the entire world agree that these heads mean that Black people invented civilization.
Dr. Ari Plovofski is a professor of ancient history at Tel Aviv University, and has written a book on the Olmec heads entitled “Black to the Future: How Black Africans Invented Civilization and are Thus the Only Ones Who Can Save It.”
I caught up with Dr. Plovofski as he wept in front of a Holocaust memorial in Tel Aviv.
AA: So, Dr. Plovofski, all historians now agree that Negroes – rather, colored people – sorry, I mean, Basketball Americans, were responsible for the invention of civilization, and that it was later stolen from them by Whites such as Napoleon and Christopher Columbus. Is that true?
AP: There is simply no credible historian on the planet who would argue with that statement. We have always known that Basketball Americans invented peanut butter, but we now know the story is much deeper: they invented everything.
AA: Interesting. Now, in your best-selling book “Black to the Future” – truly a seminal work – you argue that civilization is now failing due to a lack of participation by the creators of civilization, and that the only way to save it is increase the participation of Africans through a program of mass emigration from Africa into Western countries.
AP: This is indeed my proposal. Thankfully, the governments of Europe are taking it very seriously. We see now millions of Basketball Americans coming into Europe every year, and we see the way the economies of these countries continue to rise, with crime and poverty dropping off. And a funny thing is happening – schools in Italy are realizing that these B-ballers are so intelligent that they don’t even require schooling, and can simply be rescued from their sinking makeshift boats and placed directly in high positions in the government. Corporations are scrambling to recruit them at Lampedusa.

AA: Yes, people all across Europe are simply astonished at the way mass immigration from Africa is improving their quality of life. It is looking like a war could break out between these different European states as they all bicker about who gets to play host to the next rickety boatload of them.
AP: We may indeed be looking at a war between France and England, as France has built a barricade at Calais to try and keep these Basketball Americans inside their country, attempting to sway them with jobs as CEOs of technology companies. Many are refusing, however, because they claim the UK has a more advanced space program.

AA: And just last week, David Cameron went so far as to threaten an aerial bombardment and release of poison gas on the streets of Paris if the barricades at Calais were not taken down.
AP: Yes, it really is shocking. What is particularly shocking are the demands of the British people, who are as we speak out on the streets of London chanting “gas the French – Basketball now!”
AA: I was personally shocked by these developments. But is it so shocking?
AP: No, not really. Not when you realize just how valuable these Basketball Americans are to the various sectors of these failing White nations. Dr. Aaron Aaronstein, a professor of Critical Black Feminist Theory at Yale University, estimates that a single Basketball American is capable of matching the creative and economic output of between 1,000 and 5,000 White Europeans.

AA: I am familiar with the good Dr. Aaronstein. If I’m not mistaken, he coined the term “the Basketball Wars” to refer to the rising conflict between European nations over who gets to take in the most African immigrants.
AP: The very same. There is good news: there are enough Africans to go around. These Black Mamas, realizing the salvation their wombs are capable of bringing to earth, are having up to fifteen children each. If Europeans would simply take a step back and look at things rationally, they would realize that there is no need to fight over who gets the most B-ballers. Within twenty years, every European nation will be able to replace its entire population with these vibrant geniuses.
AA: Walking around Tel Aviv, I don’t see too many colored – sorry, I mean Basketball faces. Are you, as an Israeli, worried that your country is doomed because of a lack of African immigration.
AP: Am I worried? Yes. But what many goyim don’t understand is that Israel is physically incapable of allowing Africans to immigrate into our country.
AA: Why is that, if you don’t mind?
AP: Gas chambers.