Black History Month Day 5: Ancient Gods of Egypt

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 5, 2015

White people have engaged in a complex and diabolical conspiracy to cover-up the fact that Blacks invented civilization and thus should be in control of not only America, but all countries in Europe and Asia and everywhere else also.

Americans realized in the early 2000s that Black people were better than all others, and so installed a Black as President.  Prosperity has flowed since then, and terrorism has been stamped out.  European countries are in the process of turning over complete control to Blacks, but China, Japan, Fiji and many other countries are hesitant to turn over their countries to their rightful owners.

In order to understand, we must know the facts.

Listen to this Jewish lesbian explain it:

No wait, don’t watch that.  That is just some White women babbling about how Blacks didn’t invent civilization.  More lies.

Here, the very same Jew woman is destroyed by a fine African scholar, Dr. John Henrik Clarke.

There is much more on this topic. But I can’t remember what it is.

Here’s a Black guy pretending to be White.