Black Home Invader Attacks Old White Woman in Her Sleep

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
January 19, 2018

Neither the video or article describes the suspect, however the below Facebook pose from the police department involved does mention that the nig was in fact a nog.

Why would they keep hiding this information?


An elderly woman was attacked during a home invasion Monday morning in unincorporated West Chicago.

A man thought to be in his 30s or 40s attacked the woman around 5 a.m. at her home near Ethel Street and Hickory Lane.

“Suddenly there was a face over my face, and I got pulled out of bed and that’s how I got banged up,” Kathy Fermo told CBS 2’s Charlie De Mar exclusively. “He just said, ‘if you call the cops, I’ll kill you.’”

Every part of her home was ransacked, turned upside down and left in disarray.

“I know that there’s probably jewelry missing,” Fermo noted. “They say he got in through the lower level where there’s a door, which the police say was unlocked. I haven’t used that door in years.”

The back door is also how the man got away, running through several backyards, according to the DuPage County Sheriff’s Office.