Black Homeowner and Basketball Players Assault Cable Guy

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
October 14, 2017

If you can avoid it, do not work in Black neighborhoods.

Fox News:

The installation tech told officers he was approached by Brandon Kendall, 30, while he standing at his work van.

Kendall allegedly accused the tech of stealing money while he was installing cable in the basement, according to the incident report.

The employee stated “he did not know what [Kendall] was talking about.”

That’s when Kendall reportedly began punching him. Several other people who were playing basketball nearby joined in and also assaulted the Cincinnati Bell worker, police said.

During the incident, the suspect took the victim’s cell phone, wallet and keys to the van.

Police are still searching for Kendall. A warrant has been issued for his arrest.

Andre Christopher, 21, has been arrested and is now charged in the incident.