Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 27, 2013

The black terrorist and lover of those who engage in anal sex with other men, Reverend Jesse Jackson, has demanded an end to Duck Dynasty. He is also demanding some other more general and vague problems be brought down upon White Superhero Phil Robertson for daring to quote the Bible and state the accepted scientific fact that vaginas are more appealing than anuses.
He has said Roberts is worse than the bus driver who told the uppity entitled black complainer Rosa Parks to sit where she was supposed to sit and stop whining.
I will note here that I just rode a bus from Chicago to Columbus and witnessed the behavior of black bus riders, and I can state definitively that it is simply obvious why you would have separate areas on a bus for blacks and Whites. Firstly, they are unbearably loud. They also move around in a frantic, fidgety manner. On top of that, they sit next to White women and make strange physical movements with their neck and shoulders which appear to be an attempt at seduction. They are disgusting, and no one would ever want to sit next to them on the bus.
Anyway, with Jesse Jackson’s vitriolic defense of chronic anal sex mongers, we once again see quite clearly that all of our enemies are functioning as a monolithic anti-White entity – the Jews love the blacks, the blacks love the gays, the gays love the immigrants – they all love each other in a big circular lovefest.
From Fox:
‘These statements uttered by Robertson are more offensive than the bus driver in Montgomery, Alabama, more than 59 years ago,’ Jackson said in a statement obtained by ABC News.
‘At least the bus driver, who ordered Rosa Parks to surrender her seat to a white person, was following state law.
‘Robertson’s statements were uttered freely and openly without cover of the law, within a context of what he seemed to believe was “white privilege.”’
In his statement, the 72-year-old civil rights leader demanded to meet within 72 hours with A&E executives and Cracker Barrel’s CEO to discuss the future of Duck Dynasty memorabilia.
Oh, and do you know what Jackson’s organization, “PUSH,” is an acronym for? “People United to Save Humanity.” Think about that. It’s a big task, but you have to start somewhere. “Somewhere” being putting innocent Latinos in prison for defending themselves against criminal black attackers trying to murder them and defaming, harassing and trying to destroy the careers of White men who quote the Bible.