Black Husband Murders White Mother of His Hell-Spawn

December 28, 2014

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Julie Williams is today’s White woman killed by her Black husband.

A husband is behind bars charged with killing his wife. Her death, one of two murders in Thomson in less than twenty four hours. The GBI says 25-year-old Dontiel Williams is accused of killing his wife Julie Williams in their Shiloh Road home on Sunday.

Williams is being held at the McDuffie County Detention Center. Countless family and friends have reached out to News 12. All of them say Julie was an amazing person, and an even better mother.

Synqualia McCord still can’t believe her friend is gone. “When I first figured it out, it just brought tears to my eyes,” McCord said.

Dontiel Williams fathered two abominations with her.

She met Julie Williams at Harlem High School and the two have been friends ever since. “We just would have great times together. Sometimes our kids would play together, we cooked Christmas dinner together. We just had great times together,” she said.

Times cut short. Sunday, Thomson Police were called to check on Julie. When they went inside, they say they found her dead. The GBI says, murdered by her husband Dontiel Williams.