Black Jailed for Attempted Murder of Pregnant Mom in Front of her Son

Express and Star
December 16, 2013

Andre Omar Smith was so vicious in his attack that the victim is now unable to ever have children again.
Andre Omar Smith was so vicious in his attack that the victim will never be able to have children again.

Andre Omar Smith is today starting a 15-year jail term for the attempted murder of Rachel Kane. He attacked the 25-year-old with such ferocity that two knives broke. He then continued the attack using a potato peeler.

At the time of the attack, on on July 28 this year, she was pregnant by her new partner. And while both she and her unborn child survived, Miss Kane has been told because of her injuries she will not be able to have another baby.

Worcester Crown Court yesterday heard Smith, 25, of Hamstead Road, Great Barr, and Miss Kane had been in a ‘turbulent’ relationship until 2009. But following the split she had not seen Smith again until the night he attacked her.

Under an arrangement, their four-year-old son was collected by his grandparents on Saturday afternoons and returned on Sunday evenings.

But on the Sunday of the attack, Smith arrived at Miss Kane’s house, in Lea Street, Kidderminster, along with his young son. Miss Kane shouted through the closed front door for him to leave.

Instead he smashed the glass and let himself in before punching Miss Kane to the head and abdomen as their horrified son looked on.

The court heard Smith had taken a 9in blade with him. However this was not used to stab Miss Kane – the handle being used to strike her.

When this broke, Smith got another knife from the kitchen. This was the weapon it is believed was used to stab the young mother. The court heard Smith had continued the attack using a potato peeler.

Smith, who pleaded guilty to attempted murder at an earlier hearing, was jailed for 15 years. He will serve at least 10 years. He will also be under licence for five years following his release.

Mr Paul Whitfield, prosecuting, said following the attack, Smith had walked calmly away and got into his car.

He said Smith had been arrested at a service station in Hagley a short time later.

A statement from Miss Kane was read out during the hearing. She said: “Before this happened I would not have described myself as an anxious person. I was outgoing.

“However now I suffer from stress and depression. I’m constantly reliving what happened and asking what if.

“Things will never be the same again.”

Miss Kane was found to gave suffered six stab wounds to her abdomen and injuries to her face. Despite her ordeal she gave birth to a healthy daughter in August.

Miss Abigail Nixon, for Smith, could offer no explanation for his actions.

“He would say what he did was spontaneous and he did not go to the property to kill her. This behaviour was out of character and it was not planned.”

But Judge Robert Juckes QC said he ‘rejected’ the attack was not planned.