Black Jew Faggot Jussie Smollet Sings at a Concert, Media Continues to Support Hoax

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 4, 2019

I didn’t realize the gay Jewish black actor Jussie Smollett was also a singer.

But I had never heard of him before he claimed to have been jumped in downtown Chicago by white MAGA racists who poured bleach on him and hung a noose around his neck.

Shockingly, even as this story continues to unravel, and the entirety of American Blackdom is calling him a lying homo, the media is still trying to pretend like this is all real.

Washington Post:

Jussie Smollett appeared publicly Saturday night for the first time after reportedly being attacked in Chicago earlier in the week.

Smollett performed songs from his debut record and the Fox show “Empire,” on which he portrays an openly gay R&B singer, at West Hollywood’s Troubadour club, where he said he is “not fully healed yet, but I’m going to [be], and I’m gonna stand strong with y’all.”

The actor was attacked in Chicago about 2 a.m. Tuesday by “two unknown offenders” who yelled racial and homophobic slurs, poured an unknown “chemical substance” on him and wrapped a thin, white rope around his neck, police said. Chicago police said they are investigating the assault against the actor, who is black and openly gay, as a hate crime.

It’s funny that they’re not mentioning he’s Jewish.

Isn’t that funny?

The investigation is ongoing.

Jussie Smollett said he “had to be here tonight,” adding that he couldn’t let his attackers win. “I will always stand for love, I will never stand for anything other than that. Regardless of what anyone else says, I will only stand for love. I hope that you all stand with me.”

“Life is too short not to love who you want to love, and life is too long to not love who you love,” he later added.

Throughout the night, the actor offered a message of love in the face of pain.

“In times of trauma or hurt or grief, we still have a responsibility to lead with love,” he said at one point. “If we don’t, then we just die inside, and we’ve got to . . . live, ya’ll.”

He later added: “The hateful rhetoric has to stop and it stops when you believe in love. People who celebrate love get wrapped up in so much hate. We cannot let that happen. We are destined to fail to even exist. Take love back. We have to take it back because it was ours to begin with. Hurt people hurt people, they don’t know why.”

After finishing his set, the crowd roared until he returned to play a song titled “Powerful.” During the encore, he also clarified reports about the attacks — which varied wildly as the news broke Wednesday morning.

“Just because there has been a lot of stuff that has been said about me that is absolutely not true,” Smollett told the crowd. “There are just a couple of points that I wanted to make really quick. . . . I was bruised, but my ribs were not cracked. I went to the doctor immediately — I was not hospitalized. Both my doctors in L.A. and Chicago cleared me to perform but said to take it easy, obviously. And, above all, I fought . . . back.”

WaPo’s comments section is filled with people calling out the hoax, most of whom do not appear to be Alt-Right Russian Bots.

WaPo is one of the only – if not the only – major liberal media outlet that still has a comments section, and it is heavily moderated. So when you see the whole thing filled up like the comments of this article with backlash posts, you know it’s mostly their own legitimate readers.

Funnily enough, the people believing in this story – that has no evidence to support it, at all – are promoting conspiracy theories as to why people don’t believe it.

It’s funny that the right-wing used to be called conspiracy theorists (not totally unjustly), and now the left wing is theorizing that if you don’t believe their theories you’re part of a conspiracy.

It’s mainly the Russian collussion thing that has given a mandate to the left that facts and reality are no longer going to be entertained, and that the agenda is just to go full conspiracy theory with everything. And their followers are certainly rolling with it.

That said, I don’t think the Jews like situations like this Jussie Smollett situation.

They all know that he’s lying. Obviously, the Jewish media of all people don’t care about telling lies, but these are such goofy, nonsense lies, and so likely to be revealed as such, that they don’t want it to screw-up their narrative by getting people to question their other lies.

But they can’t really come out and call him a liar, and if he’s doing big concerts talking about it, they can’t just refuse to report on it, so he’s effectively forced them to go along with reporting on this as truth. They can only hope it doesn’t ever get found out.

The ADL and the SPLC are organizations which exist entirely on promoting fake hate crimes, and they regularly get caught, but it is not ever on the scale of a celebrity hoax that is blasted throughout the entire media.

Right now, it is looking like they’re probably in the clear.

I don’t think the Chicago PD has the nerve to call him a liar, so this is likely to just remain a situation where everyone knows it’s a lie, but there is no absolute proof it’s a lie, so he never gets charged with making false statements and it never officially blows up in anyone’s faces.

It is fascinating though to watch the media knowingly go along with a hoax this absurd, even while the entire public is saying it’s bullshit.

It’s representative of the entire system, where you are required to pretend to believe things that you know are untrue in order to be considered “good.”