Black Jihadi Found Guilty of Plotting to Behead a British Soldier

February 20, 2015

Brusthom Ziamani has been found guilty of setting out to behead a White British soldier.

A teenager who was on his way to behead a British soldier with a 12in knife when he was arrested, has been found guilty of preparing a terrorist act.

Brusthom Ziamani, 19, was also carrying a hammer and an “Islamic flag” when he was arrested in London in August 2014.

The court heard he had been inspired by the murder of Fusilier Lee Rigby in 2013, researched Army c adet bases and boasted of a plot to “kill soldiers”.

Ziamani, of Camberwell, London, will be sentenced on 20 March.

He was arrested in east London at about 16:30 BST on 19 August as part of a joint police and MI5 intelligence operation.

When he was arrested he was carrying this 12inch knife that he was going to use on a White man.

Earlier that day, police say he visited his former girlfriend, where he showed her the knife and hammer and told her he intended to attack and kill soldiers.

Commander Richard Walton, from the Metropolitan Police’s counter-terrorism command, said the teenager’s plot “starkly illustrates” one of the threats facing the UK.

“Ziamani was an impressionable young man who became radicalised then rapidly developed an extremist, violent mindset,” he said.

“Over a series of months, he ultimately developed a desire to carry out a terrorist attack on British soldiers.”

Mr Walton added that police had probably prevented a “horrific terrorist attack taking place on the streets of London”.

Ziamani converted to Islam in April 2014 and his extremist views “rapidly developed over a few months”, the Met Police say. Nothing to do with him being a Negro of course.

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