Daily Stormer
May 16, 2014

Blacks are no good at swimming, they sink. This is caused by them having much smaller chest cavities than Whites. However rather than face up to the obvious biological difference between the races, the lead author of this new study is desperate to think up an environmental excuse for it.
From CBS:
Swimming pools are a much greater danger to black children and teens than they are to other kids, a new government study shows.
Finally, somewhere White kids can go where they will be safe.
Black children ages 5 to 19 drown in swimming pools at a rate more than five times that of white children, the research found. That suggests a lot of blacks are not learning to swim, said the lead author, Dr. Julie Gilchrist of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
No, it shows that there are fundamental biological differences between the races.
Swimming is a life-saving skill, not just another sport, she said.
It is also a race-specific skill.
The racial differences were smaller for drownings in lakes or other bodies of water. Experts think that’s because relatively few blacks go boating or participate in other water activities.
Yes, this is because they are unable to swim. It is not because they haven’t capsized in a boat, or been thrown in the deep end of a pool enough times. Although I have no objections to this course of action being taken as a type of aquatic ‘affirmative action’.

Drowning is a major cause of death in children and young adults, and researchers have long observed a higher rate in African-Americans. The report released Thursday looked at racial differences in far greater detail, by age and by where youths drown.
Yes, but it didnt actually look at the racial differences did it? It just looked at the differences in frequency between the races.
Among whites, drowning rates peak in toddlers but then decline dramatically around age 5 and stay down. Experts think that’s a result of swimming lessons kicking in.
This is because White toddlers require intensive parental care in order to protect them for much longer than Blacks do. You see this happening with all mammals, the more complex they are, the longer and more intensive the parental care needs to be.
Among blacks, the drowning rate for toddlers is lower, but it doesn’t drop off the same way as children get older.
Yes, because Blacks do not require the care that Whites do. Some Black tribes in the wild leave their young to fend for themselves at age 4.
An earlier study showed that nearly 60 percent of black children surveyed were unable to swim or felt uncomfortable in the deep end of a pool, compared to 31 percent of white kids.
You would feel uncomfortable in the water if you didnt have your White man’s lungs too.
That stems from cultural differences, experts believe. Generally, more white families spend recreation time at pools or beaches, and more white parents make sure their kids can swim, Gilchrist said.
Hilarious. What experts believe it is for cultural reasons? Certainly not any experts in biology. The reason why Blacks dont go to the beach is because they know they cannot swim. Any animal unable to swim is not likely to spend much time near the sea are they. Are these people seriously going to start throwing Blacks in the water and forcing them to try and swim now, just to prove that they are equal to us?
Learn about the differences between the races here in ‘Race, Evolution and Behavior’ by Professor J Philippe Rushton.