Black Kills 14-Year-Old White Girl With a Hammer

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
September 4, 2017

Nothing to see here.

Just another dead white kid.

Crime Online:

Police have identified a suspect, Jordin Roache, and alleged that he murdered Cargill with a hammer, bludgeoning her to death, according to FOX4. The murder allegedly took place inside of an apartment near Cargill’s home and authorities indicate that the two were involved in a drug deal, with the 14-year-old meeting Roache to get $300 he owed her as part of a marijuana transaction.

Investigators found blood splatter inside of the apartment Roache was staying in, which belonged to his girlfriend and her mother, as reported by The Dallas Morning News. Police said a forensic biologist found blood everywhere, on a door frame, the bathtub and on a patio ledge.

The warrant also notes that authorities found the alleged murder weapon inside of the home. Just like the apartment it resided in, the hammer was also caked with blood, police say.

Forensic analysts have confirmed that the blood inside of the apartment, and on the hammer, match that of victim Cargill. Authorities also allege that the suspect deleted text messages to and from Cargill and tried to establish a false alibi with his girlfriend, who was out of town.

The criminal affidavit states that the 16-year-old suspect requested, via text message, that Cargill come alone to collect the $300 he owed her, leaving a friend and her dog behind.

This is why you don’t relax around blacks. Never be in a situation where you and a black are alone if you can avoid it.

Jordin Roche.