Black Kills His Own Baby in the Womb by Shooting the Mother 5 Times

December 4, 2013

Jonathan Turner
Jonathan Turner. His baby mother had to play dead before he would stop shooting her.

The father of an unborn child is under arrest after police say he shot the woman carrying his baby at least five times.

Jonathan Turner, 32, was arrested Friday, accused of shooting his baby’s mother several times as she walked in the area of South Parkway and Wellington Street.

According to a police affidavit, Turner stalked the victim, then shot her once in the lower back. He then reportedly stood over her with a handgun and “fired four more shots, striking her on the right buttocks, left knee, upper right inner thigh, and right hand.”

The victim, who was 5 months pregnant, was taken to the hospital in critical condition.  She told police she pretended to be dead until Turner left the scene.  When he left, she flagged down a car.

“People need to wake up and realize and start appreciating life much better, you know what I’m saying?” said Rodney Warren, who lives nearby. “Because life is so important.”

The unborn baby died as the result of the shooting.

Turner is charged with first degree murder and attempted first degree murder. He is due in court Monday.

The victim’s family said she is too upset to talk about what happened, but they are relieved Turner was arrested.