Black Kills Two White Guys Who Tried to Buy Pot

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer 
April 24, 2018

Smoking pot turns you into a nog, and if it doesn’t it will get you killed by a nog.

Don’t do it.


The jury foreman was teary-eyed as she read the guilty verdicts, and the mothers of the teenage victims both cried and embraced as they heard the decision.

Reddick was found guilty of first-degree murder in the slaying of Dane Matheusius and second-degree murder in William Cade Booher’s death.

“Two young boys are dead; there are no winners,” District Attorney David Lozier said. “This was hard. The jury foreman was crying. I really appreciate that they took this seriously.”

Reddick was 17 years old at the time of the shooting. Investigators said he killed the teens during a $160 drug deal that turned into a robbery.

The trial took two weeks. The defense did not call any witnesses.