Black Kills White Teenage Girlfriend

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
September 21, 2017

Aaron Rashun Byers.

This is one of the many reasons why White men should not allow their daughters near Blacks, and should do everything in their power to keep them out of diverse schools.

If you have children, look into how to get them home schooled in your country.

Shelby Star:

Aaron Rashun Byers was convicted of first-degree murder for taking the life of Hannah Bickley more than three years ago.

Misty John, Bickley’s mother, wept as she spoke in court following the sentencing.

“She was my only child, and you took her from me. That was my only reason I was on this Earth,” she said.

Cleveland County Assistant District Attorney Sally Kirby-Turner said Byers, Bickley’s then-boyfriend, tried to rob two teens in the back seat of her car when things went awry.

Kirby-Turner used physical evidence and witness testimony to prove that Byers, now 22, was committing a dangerous felony which resulted in death — a combination which equals first-degree murder in North Carolina.

Defense attorney Gus Anthony disagreed with the prosecution, offering up testimony by a doctor who suggested the shot could’ve come from a different angle — one that Anthony contended came from a passenger in the back seat.

“Sheeeit nigga I didn kill her, it wuz dat utha guy while I wuz comittin a different crime!”

Hannah Bickley.