Black Knocks Out White Woman

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
October 30, 2017

I wonder what makes Blacks feel the need to do this…


Susan Farina told News 4 in an exclusive interview that she was walking her dog near Essex and Grand streets on Manhattan’s Lower East Side on Sept. 25 when a group of three men passed by.

“One guy was saying to the other two ‘I’m gonna do it, yo. I’m gonna do it, yo,’” Farina said. “I still didn’t think anything of it.”

Then, suddenly, she was punched. Farina said she doesn’t even remember hitting the ground from the attacker’s haymaker, but when she got up, the men were gone.

She refused medical attention, but had a badly swollen face. She also noticed her leg had been scuffed the next day.

“It felt like somebody hit me with a two-by-four,” she said. “I saw stars.”

The attack comes more than four years after several cases of the so-called “knockout game” left New Yorkers looking over their shoulders as they walked through the city in fear of random punches.