Black Lives Matter, Antifa Riot for Three Nights in a Row iIn St. Louis

Hunter Wallace
Occidental Dissent
September 19, 2017

I’m confident that I am not the only one who sees this in America.

CharlottesvilleDurhamBostonLaguna BeachPhoenixBerkeleyPortland. In every single case, the common thread is the Antifa who would have also succeeded in causing violence at the Ben Shapiro event in Berkeley were it not for the $600,000 in hired security.

In St. Louis, Black Lives Matter and Antifa have rioted for the last three nights in a row after the Jason Stockley verdict. On Friday night, 33 rioters were arrested and 10 police officers were injured after Black Lives Matter and Antifa tore a path of destruction through the Central West End and were even bold enough to attack Mayor Lyda Krewson’s house. On Saturday night, 19 rioters were arrested after vandalizing 23 businesses in the Delmar Loop and University City. On Sunday night, over 80 rioters were arrested after rioting and destroying property in downtown St. Louis.

Each night the Black Lives Matter thugs and Antifa anarchists have spent hours rioting and attacking the St. Louis Police after the other demonstrators have gone home. Each night they have also gone to a different part of St. Louis in order to engage in vandalism against businesses. Clearly, these two domestic terrorist groups, which are at the center of all mayhem in the United States, are doing this because their agenda is to make business owners pay an economic price for the Jason Stockley verdict. By rioting and attacking police officers, the mob is asserting its sovereignty in St. Louis.

Can you imagine the wall to wall negative coverage this would be getting from the fake news if the Alt-Right was doing this? Suppose the Alt-Right formed a mob in the streets and attacked the house of the mayor of Charlottesville. Suppose the Alt-Right went around Charlottesville for three consecutive nights attacking police officers and vandalizing businesses in different parts of the city. Everyone knows we would never hear the end of the “Neo-Nazi rampage” in Charlottesville.

It didn’t even take anything remotely resembling the organized criminal conspiracy which has unfolded in St. Louis for the last three nights in a row for Congress and the President of the United States to unanimously condemn White Nationalists. It was Antifa and Black Lives Matter who started the violence in Charlottesville, who boasted about it on their own websites and who got away with it because the fake news and Republican Party made them out to be heroes. They’ve since been emboldened to go all over the country starting more violence against Trump supporters and police officers.

The fake news isn’t interested in dwelling on Black Lives Matter and Antifa violence. They shrug their shoulders and look the other way while violent mobs trample on the civic order and attempt to intimidate their fellow citizens. They look the other way when police officers stand down because Democratic politicians are intimidated by these mobs. In fact, they even look the other way when the same mobs attack their own reporters because they are afraid of crossing them too.

St. Louis is a reminder of just how normalized leftwing political violence has become. It is not even really newsworthy when an American city is terrorized by these mobs for three nights in a row. We’ve seen them do worse in Ferguson, Baltimore, Milwaukee, Charlotte and other cities. We can tell ourselves that at least no one died this time and nothing except American flags were set on fire. While the media might be silent about it, millions of people see what is going on here.