Sacramento CBS Local
December 27, 2013

A father is behind bars, accused of using at least one young girl as a sex slave.
CBS13’s Ron Jones spoke one-on-one with Renford Evans, who is accused of trafficking a young girl.
The self-proclaimed loving father was arrested for allegedly using at least one girl under the age of 16 as a sex slave, cashing in on her innocence.
“We have made an arrest with a pimping case,” said Sacramento Police officer Michelle Gigante.
She says because a young girl is involved, they can’t comment on specifics about how she was rescued. But they say the teen sex slave problem is a growing epidemic.
Chris Stambaugh of The Grace Network partners with law enforcement and other nonprofits combatting human trafficking in the central valley. He says these girls are desperate for love.
“A lot of these girls come from broken homes. A lot of these girls are fatherless,” he said. “Those are all risk factors that contribute to the issue of a young lady becoming vulnerable to sex trafficking.”
Evans agreed to a jailhouse interview, but when the questions turned to him allegedly having sex with a teenager, the only words from his mouth were, “I want to talk to my attorney.”
He’s being held on more than $1 million bail.