Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 19, 2014

In Forth Worth Texas, a Black mailman murdered a 10-pound Yorkshire Terrier with a rock, claiming he felt threatened by the dog’s bark.
The poor little thing was bludgeoned to death, had a smashed skull and spinal cord.
The horrible Black bastard is either a twisted sadist, one of the most cowardly men I’ve ever heard of, or both. Probably both.
It started as an average spring day in May in Fort Worth. Lawrence Brown was home when he heard a dog let out a sharp cry in pain across the street. Little did he suspect that it was his family dog, Maxwell. The 10-pound Yorkshire terrier lay in excruciating pain from repeated blows to his small head. Veterinarians who attended Maxwell would later discover that he also had a spinal cord injury beyond repair, apart from a completely shattered skull.The vets said that there was nothing that they could do for Maxwell. The Browns were forced to put him to sleep.
Maxwell was only five-years-old. Keep in mind that healthy Yorkies can live up to 20-years-old.
Mail Carrier Defends HimselfA dog laying on the pavement across the street wasn’t the only thing that Lawrence Brown saw. He also saw their local mail carrier, Ricky Eugene Jackson, at the scene.
Brown confronted Jackson who delivered his mail every day. The same mail carrier who knew Maxwell and knew where he lived.
As reported in the Houston Press, the mail carrier had no shame admitting that he had injured the 10-pound Yorkie. When Brown asked what happened to Maxwell, Jackson replied that, “I got me one.”
After inspecting Maxwell’s condition, Brown asked the next logical question: Why? Why did Jackson have to hit a small dog in the head with a rock? Jackson responded, “‘I did what I had to do.”
Maxwell was off-leash. Maxwell did cross the street towards Jackson. Jackson maintains that the dog was acting aggressive. But did Maxwell deserve such a painful end?
As reported in Star-Telegram, there was an arrest warrant out for Ricky Eugene Jackson, in June. Lawrence Brown and his wife, Taiesha, wanted Jackson to lose his job and to serve time for killing their dog. Brown explained that Maxwell was more of his wife’s dog, and she was having a hard time functioning because of her grief. Maxwell was part of their family since he was 14-weeks-old; he was their baby.
It’s ironic that Brown explained that Taiesha did a lot of research on dog breeds, and that they settled on Yorkshire terriers because they aren’t an aggressive breed. And the Browns maintain that Maxwell wasn’t aggressive. The Yorkie accompanied them to feed the homeless, to football games and during their workout sessions.
As reported in Star-Telegram, despite Brown witnessing Jackson at the scene and Jackson admitting that he was responsible for Maxwell’s injuries, a grand jury opted not to indict Jackson for the felony charge of animal cruelty in September. This was an obvious blow for the Brown family. In response to the grand jury’s decision, Brown explained: “I’m not really understanding a lot of it. It’s like he got away with murder.”
When the story first broke in May, the United States Postal Service (USPS) chimed in. As reported in the Houston Press, the USPS apologized that a “customer” had lost their pet, affirmed that they would launch an investigation to determine what happened and that to their understanding, “the letter carrier was defending himself from a dog attack.”
Black people, like all other non-Whites, seem incapable of caring for animals on any level, incapable of forming the bond that White men form with pets. While Asians eat cats and dogs, Blacks are routinely charged with animal abuse, and seem to only keep pitbulls or other large dogs known for viciousness for the purpose of fighting them professionally or as status symbols.
For Whites, dogs have appropriately been titled “man’s best friend.” Though I have always been more of a cat person myself, I have known many dogs who had a lot more personality than most people, and these stories of Black cruelty against them are almost as difficult as the ones dealing with Black cruelty toward humans.