Black Male Roommate from Craigslist? What Could Go Wrong?

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 21, 2016

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Because race doesn’t exist, it would have been pure hatred for this woman to have denied the Black male a room in her home.

Besides, if the Black guy didn’t do this, a White British man would have. Look up the Nirvana Fallacy on Wikipedia if you don’t know it yet.

Daily Mail:

A young woman from Miami has been in a coma for a week after her family said she was attacked by her roommate, a 35-year-old man she met on Craigslist.

Byron Mitchell assaulted Danielle Jones, 23, just a week after he moved in with her in a downtown Miami apartment, Jones’s mother, Aimee Nikolove, said.

He strangled her and cut her up on the night of her 23rd birthday, NBC reported.

Jones has a brain injury, multiple scars on her face and neck and Nikolove doesn’t know if or’I’m still in shock, I can’t comprehend that someone can do this to someone, mutilate them in such a way and try to kill them,’ she told NBC.

‘My daughter’s face is cut up like he was going to take her face off. She has a brain injury, no one knows what the prognosis is.’ when her daughter will wake up.

‘I’m still in shock, I can’t comprehend that someone can do this to someone, mutilate them in such a way and try to kill them,’ she told NBC.

‘My daughter’s face is cut up like he was going to take her face off. She has a brain injury, no one knows what the prognosis is.’

I do feel bad for the woman. We can sit here and say “ah well, she should have known better” – but how would she have known better? The facts about race are never reported anywhere in the mainstream, and young people literally believe that “race=skin color.”

Hopefully people will start waking up to the fact that Blacks are dangerous wild creatures which we must protect ourselves and our womenfolk from.