Black Male Who Shot a White Woman Outside a Bar Turns Himself In

Tim Hort
Daily Stormer
December 8, 2017

The death penalty needs to be pushed in this case.

Fox News:

The man wanted in connection with a recent shooting outside of Lachey’s Bar turning himself in Thursday night.

Lavoris Hightower, 36, has been indicted for attempted murder, felonious assault, weapons under disability, and tampering with evidence. If convicted of all charges, he faces in excess of 25 years in prison.

Ellie Richardson, the bar manager of Lachey’s Bar, was shot in the face outside the business Thanksgiving morning. A gunman opened fire on Richardson after she argued with someone in a van, Cincinnati police have said.

Police reviewed area surveillance video and witness information in their investigation.

“First, Hightower nearly runs Ms. Richardson over with his car, and then he shoots her — unbelievable. Cincinnati has worked very hard to improve the area where the shooting occurred. This type of heartless act has the potential of ruining years of progress. He needs to go to jail for a long time,” said Hamilton County prosecutor Joseph Deters.

Lavoris Hightower, Ellie Richardson.