Black Man Charged in 2004 Murder of White Army Captain

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
January 9, 2018

It should not take over a decade to find negro murderers.

The only possible explanations are police incompetence or the system being overburdened with other majority negro crimes.

In either case, the simplest solution would just be to round up all the Blacks and deport them to some African country.


The man investigators believe is behind a 2004 murder of an Army captain in the heart of downtown Savannah was formally charged with the crime Monday.

Investigators believe Deon Monroe Jones gunned down Captain Scott Corwin more than 13 years ago while walking with his girlfriend through Monterey Square.

Corwin died after being shot while walking near the intersection of W. Gordon and Bull Streets.

Since then, his family and loved ones have pleaded for more information and tips from the public to bring his killer to justice. Without going into too much detail so as to not jeopardize the case, the Chatham County district attorney says it was the combined effort of Savannah-Chatham Metro detectives and an investigator hired by her office – a former Metro detective himself – who brought the cold case to the next level.