Black Man Does Not Receive Death Penalty After Raping and Murdering White Woman Because Putting Him to Death Would be Racist

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
September 20, 2017

This is further proof Blacks can do basically whatever they want to White people and get off without fitting punishment.

This man by all accounts should be put to death, but because it would be racist to do so he wont be.

Sun Sentinel:

Under a Florida law revised this year, the death penalty cannot be imposed without a unanimous jury vote. The jurors voted 9-3 in favor of a life in prison term for Rodney Clark, and Circuit Judge Charles Burton immediately imposed that punishment.

While Clark smiled at his lawyers after the verdict, two of murder victim Dana Fader’s three children left the courtroom satisfied their long wait for justice was over.

They were just 5 and 10 years old when their mom was raped and killed in the back seat of her car. A younger brother, named J.P., was three years old. After the slaying, the siblings were raised by different relatives, but they eventually settled near each other in Chattanooga, Tenn.

Earlier Tuesday, Assistant State Attorney Reid Scott argued Clark deserves capital punishment.

“There’s simply no place for him in society,” Scott said, displaying a photo of the 27-year-old lifeless victim after she was found. “He deserves the ultimate penalty.”

But Public Defender Carey Haughwout said her 50-year-old client — mentally scarred by childhood abuses and racism, along with more recent physical infirmities — never intended to torture Fader during the random attack.

“You can’t execute Black murderers and rapists Goy! They are victims of racism!”