Black Masturbates for Three Hours on Iowa Bus

Hamish Patton
Daily Stormer
April 12, 2016

The reason you can only see his top half is because downstairs he's playing with himself again

The reason you can only see his top half is because downstairs he’s playing with himself again

A black man who could somehow afford a bus ticket has defended a three-hour masturbation session on an Iowa Megabus because he believed a nearby (probably White) female passenger “liked it”.

The Smoking Gun reports,

“In what may be a record, a passenger masturbated for “up to three hours” yesterday as he traveled on a Megabus, according to Iowa police who reported that the suspect continued pleasuring himself because he thought a female victim “was enjoying it.”

Cops were called Sunday afternoon to a bus station in Coralville, an Iowa City suburb, to meet an arriving Megabus.

According to a criminal complaint, officers were told that passenger Telly Shadell Corey, 41, “was on the bus with his penis exposed to a female passenger that was terrified.”

Blacks have a high need for immediate self-gratification and just like women breastfeeding in public it should be regarded as a natural act which ought to be liberated from the shackles of social stigma.

A subsequent investigation determined that Corey initially “played with his penis in his sweatpants.” He then “ended up exposing his penis and masturbating for up to three hours because he thought the victim was enjoying it.”

After being read his rights, Corey reportedly copped to the marathon pleasure session and told police he thought “since the victim didn’t say anything to him she was enjoying it.”

Of course she was enjoying it! All White women enjoy watching black men masturbate and fantasise about being fickied by them. Black men know this and this is why they respond the way they do.

A third person then reported Corey’s actions to police, who dispatched officer Douglas Carden to the Coralville’s bus facility to intercept the arriving vehicle.

‘The complainant reported that a subject was on the bus with his penis exposed to a female passenger that was terrified,’ the officer wrote in the affidavit.

‘Upon my arrival the victim told the complainant that the suspect was still masturbating while I saw the bus exiting the interstate onto the first avenue exit.’

The reason black men masturbate so much is due to parental neglect as children — since they are seldom given any other toys to play with.
