Black Migrant Child Rapist Attacks Police as He is Being Deported

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
September 20, 2017

Koffi Ameyapoh.

In a rare twist of events, an invader is being deported for a crime.

He doesn’t seem to happy about that however.

New York Post:

A convicted rapist from Africa threw a fit as he was being deported from the US — telling federal agents that he “would rather die than go back to Togo” — during a violent confrontation at Dulles International Airport, a report says.

“I am not going back to Togo,” seethed Koffi Ameyapoh, 51, of Maryland.

“You will be shipping a dead body back to Togo,” he told the agents, according to court filings obtained by NBC Washington on Monday.

“I am going to make a commotion at the terminal, so the marshals can shoot me because I would rather die than go back to Togo.”

To be fair, I would also rather be shot than forced to go to Togo. This is a pretty reasonable response to the situation.

Ameyapoh, who was convicted in 2006 of rape and sexually abusing a child, had been scheduled to take a flight to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia — en route to the African nation of Togo — as part of his removal from the country, NBC reports.

Wearing full restraints, Ameyapoh reportedly ran toward the railings and began tussling with the agents. He is accused of injuring at least two of the officers, causing bruising and arm abrasions.

As a result, the Maryland sex offender was charged with a federal count of “hampering departure from the United States.”

Ameyapoh’s deportation has been temporarily called off and he was ordered detained until further proceedings for the newly filed case.

I don’t see why we should keep a child rapist in the country just because he rushed his police escort.

The police should have just shot him, it would be much faster and easier on everyone involved.