Daily Slave
January 5, 2014

The retarded monkey Missouri State Senator Maria Chappelle-Nadal went to Twitter recently to cry about alleged White Privilege while threatening White People. I believe she has since deleted the offending Twitter post but other sites like Twitchy saw it before she had the chance to remove it. Here is a screen grab of it.
This outdated piece of farm equipment has previously blamed the police for the Black riots that took place throughout Ferguson, Missouri after the Michael Brown incident.
If you want to send this stupid Black bitch some feedback regarding her comments, here’s her Twitter page.
The Examiner has also posted a story on this which has generated thousands of comments. Many of the comments look like the types of one’s you’d see on the Daily Stormer or this site. I think we are clearly having an impact on the narrative. People are sick of all this “racism” garbage that Jews and Blacks keep pushing. We just need to keep pushing our views as they are clearly seeping into the mainstream now.