Black Mob Chased Down Young White Father Like a Dog and Then Killed Him

Daily Mail
August 21, 2014

Charlie Burns as a schoolboy. A neighbour said he was growing into a ‘lovely young man’.

A 16-year-old boy has been arrested after a teenager who became a father just weeks ago was chased down ‘like a dog’ and knifed to death in the street.

The 16-year-old is being held in custody alongside a 19-year-old man at an east London police station after the attack in Hackney, east London, yesterday afternoon.

The victim has been named locally as 19-year-old Charlie Burns, who reportedly only became a father to a baby boy in the last month.

Witnesses say Mr Burns, who lives nearby, was chased down a street in Hackney yesterday afternoon by a gang of around five men who repeatedly stabbed him.

As they made their getaway in a blue hatchback they knocked over a lamp post, the Evening Standard reported.

A man in his 20s, who would not give his name for fear of reprisals, told the paper: ‘I saw him running down the road carrying a bottle of Lucozade in his hand. They chased him down like a dog.’

A man in his 20s, who would not be named for fear of reprisals, told the paper: ‘I saw him running down the road carrying a bottle of Lucozade in his hand. They chased him down like a dog’.

A neighbour, who asked not to be named, said: ‘We have known the family for a number of years now and it is such a tragic loss. They lost a daughter a couple of years ago, I think to cerebral palsy, it’s just tragic for the family.

‘Charlie was growing into a lovely young man as well, but I wouldn’t want to say more because I haven’t spoken to the family yet, it’s just a tragedy.’

A resident who lives on Prenthouse Road, which is around the corner from the stabbing, said he heard people screaming: ‘I’m going to kill you.’

The man, who asked not to be named, said: ‘ I was upstairs in the bedroom getting changed when I heard lots of shouting and screaming.

‘I looked out of the window and I saw five or six black lads running down Darnley Road, screaming ‘I’m going to kill you’.

‘I’d say they was chasing somebody because of the way they were running. They weren’t running in a big group, they were sort of in ones or two, and there was definitely at least five of them.

A 16-year-old Black thug is being held in custody alongside a 19-year-old one, at an east London police station after the attack in Hackney, east London, yesterday afternoon.

‘I had to leave the house because I was visiting my mother in hospital but as I left the police arrived.

‘We didn’t know somebody had been stabbed until this morning the police officers had just told us there had been a fight.’

Another elderly resident added: ‘There was lots of screaming and shouting, and I thought it must have been a fight, but have since found out it was a stabbing.

‘This area used to be bad but it has got a lot better over the years. But recently it seems like things might be changing again, unfortunately.’

The victim is the seventh teenager to be killed in the capital this year, six of whom have been fatally stabbed.

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