Daily Stormer
August 18, 2014

If you thought the Blacks in Ferguson Missouri were stupid for looting and burning their own neigbourhoods down, then wait until you see this.
The biological drive to steal is so strong within Black DNA, that in Liberia they have looted their own new Ebola quarantine center.
Along with freeing all the plague-carriers that were being kept away from the healthy people there, the Blacks even stole the blood-soaked bedding and medical gloves, along with all the rest of the medical equipment.
There really is no point in trying to help these creatures, Liberia is the oldest Black administration in the world, yet still they have not been able to rise above the most primitive level of society.
The crowd that claims everything is a hoax will love this story – the mob claimed the entire Ebola outbreak is a hoax.
I have no idea what any of these African leaders would have to gain by staging such a hoax nor do I see how they would have the resources to pull off such a hoax to begin with.
None the less, these crazy Blacks are taking quite the chance. What if their theory about it being a hoax is wrong? They’ve chosen to raid a facility that were treating people who may be infected with a deadly virus. They could potentially die from this. Of course, I doubt any of these Blacks took that into consideration.
A mob descended on the center at around 5:30 p.m., chanting, “No Ebola in West Point! No Ebola in West Point!” They stormed the front gate and pushed into the holding center. They stole the few gloves someone had donated this morning, and the chlorine sprayers used to disinfect the bodies of those who die here, all the while hollering that Ebola is a hoax.
They ransacked the protective suits, the goggles, the masks. They destroyed part of Tarplah’s car as he was fleeing the crowd.
Jemimah Kargbo, a health care worker at a clinic next door, said they took mattresses and bedding, utensils and plastic chairs.
“Everybody left with their own thing,” she said. “What are they carrying to their homes? They are carrying their deaths.”
She said the police showed up but the crowd intimidated them.
“The police were there but they couldn’t contain them. They started threatening the police, so the police just looked at them,” she said.
And then mob left with all of the patients.
“They said, ‘The president says you have Ebola, but you don’t have Ebola, you have malaria. Get up and go out!’” Kargbo said.
“What’s going to happen when they come to our clinic? In two to five days?” Kargbo asked, referencing the early period when newly infected patients begin to show their first symptoms. “We’re going to turn them around” and send them to a different hospital, she said.
Kargbo said the staff at the clinic have no protective gear. They were already afraid about treating possible Ebola patients, and the riot means more infections as escaped sick patients infect their families, and as looters sleep on mattresses where the Ebola-infected have died.
Daily Slave contributed to this report.