Daily Stormer
September 18, 2014
On Tuesday, a raging Black mob shut down the St. Louis County Council.
It is pure Africa. Watch this video and tell me “race doesn’t exist.”
The fury of Ferguson descended on the seat of St. Louis County with a vengeance Tuesday night with demonstrators unleashing a torrent of chants, invective and threats at a County Council that listened for two hours in stunned silence.
Protesters demanded the arrest of Darren Wilson, the police officer who shot 18-year-old Michael Brown to death on a Ferguson street five weeks ago, the removal of County Prosecutor Robert McCulloch from the Brown case, the resignations of County Police Chief Jon Belmar and Ferguson Police Chief Thomas Jackson and accountability from the elected county legislative arm.
But the bulk of the ire was directed at Steve Stenger, the 6th District Democratic councilman facing Republican state Rep. Rick Stream in the November general election in the race for county executive.
Several speakers demanded that Stenger call on his “BFF (Best Friend Forever)” McCulloch to resign by noon Wednesday. McCulloch was the councilman’s chief political ally in Stenger’s primary defeat of incumbent County Executive Charlie Dooley four days before Brown was shot to death.
“12 Noon, Stenger! 12 Noon, Stenger!” demonstrators shouted in unison as the public comment portion of the meeting drew to an end.
“We will do everything in our power on election day because we see you sitting there with a smug look on your face,” one speaker told Stenger. “We will have our say in November when we go to vote.”
Stenger was shouted down before he could complete a statement asking that the community work together to “bridge the divide.”
He could not be reached for comment on the demonstrators’ demands following the raucous, packed meeting that carried over into the hallway outside the council chambers and then to North Central Avenue outside.
Council Chairwoman Hazel Erby twice threatened to end the meeting prematurely if the demonstrators — who interrupted speakers, including eight residents appealing to the council on zoning and other matters — didn’t cease.
Undeterred, the audience loudly cheered speakers who likened Wilson and other law enforcement officials to “war criminals,” compared St. Louis County government to the Ku Klux Klan and drew analogies between the St. Louis region and Jim Crow laws.
“You are ISIS to black people,” one speaker told council members.