Refugee Resettlement Watch
April 1, 2015

Five years ago next month we wrote about Luke Tripp and now we see he is still busy agitating and creating tension in the latest incident in St. Cloud involving a high school and Somalis demonstrating and claiming they are being mistreated in the school system because of their race.
Tripp is doing what Obama did (still does!) what Saul Alinsky taught—stirring up animosity to bring about “change.”
Did you ever wonder how it is that the Somali refugees are so good at creating tension—it is because of people like Luke Tripp mentoring them and keeping them in line. And, making sure the problems are never their fault for not trying to fit into American communities. It is always ‘whitey’s’ fault.
But, let’s be clear, some of the tension in Somali overloaded cities is between US-born African Americans and Somalis and Tripp is not telling you that!
Here is what I said about him FIVE YEARS AGO:
Luke Tripp and Mahmoud Mohamed are community agitators. What is happening in St. Cloud, MN now and for the last few years is a perfect example of Saul Alinsky’s (Rules for Radicals) strategy being put into motion to bring about “change” through creating crisis in communities. It is no coincidence that one of the most outspoken conservative critics of the king of community organizers (Barack Obama) happens to be the Representative for this Congressional district which includes St. Cloud—Michele Bachmann. Tripp is a race baiter and he is using the recent Somali unrest to get Michele Bachmann.
An aside: Readers, especially conservative readers, should study Saul Alinsky. Much of the reason that we are continually caught off guard by the ‘crisis creates change’ strategy is that we don’t think that way. We generally think that to solve problems and conflicts one should try very hard to work together in a quiet and dignified way. Not so for community organizers and union agitators—they must continually create chaos to move the so-called “community” to their far Left view of governance.
Please read it all and see how Tripp inflamed the situation then and is doing it again now!
From St. Cloud Times (‘Institutional Racism Plagues St. Cloud Schools’) where Tripp is making sure that anyone who opposes more Somali resettlement because the city can’t afford it, or because there is simply too great a cultural divide, is a racist. That is what race baiters do! Just a few snips:
Somalis are under attack in St. Cloud because of their race, their religion and their immigration/refugee status. With the recent influx of many Somali students, the St. Cloud public schools are facing a clash of cultures.
The Somali community continues to suffer numerous attacks at various levels and in all areas of social life, including schools, stores, workplaces, housing and the media.
The basic issue Somali students and the Somali community are calling attention to is the systemic and continuous failure of the district’s administration and board to seriously address the toxic anti-Somali climate and institutional racism – racial patterns that result from policies, rules and prejudice.
There are administrators and staff members and some board members who still do not seem to grasp the significance of the social transformation of their school system, as demonstrated by the recurring conflicts between Somali and non-Somali students and the high suspension rate of black students. [Ha! I think they grasp it just fine and don’t want to transform their school system!—ed]
Instead of denying that systemic racial problems exist, the board and administrators must act on the legitimate grievances of the Somali community and develop a strategic plan based on genuine diversity and social justice, and dedicated to systemically advocating, building and maintaining respectful, collaborative and reciprocal relationships.
So, where is Tripp’s op-ed telling the Somalis they must adjust (assimilate!) and build respectful and reciprocal relationships with Americans?
Remember! Besides Tripp the other big player responsible for conflicts in St. Cloud is Lutheran Social Service head honcho, Jodi Harpstead who brings in the new Somali population each year at the behest of the US State Department/UN.