Black Moves Into Family Home While They are Away Helping Dying Loved One, Says He Owns It

Daily Stormer
December 5, 2013

I am confused as to how this man is not in prison.  But apparently it is some loophole in the law.  Given that he is part White, he is able to be more sneaky in his black criminality.

NY Daily News reports:

A family from Springfield, Ohio, returned home from visiting a dying relative only to find a stranger had moved into their home and changed the locks.

Even worse for the family, who wish to remain anonymous, the intruder may have the law on his side.

The new “owner” of the house is Robert Carr. He pounced when the family went to see their ill relative. Not only did he change the locks, he also emptied the house and produced court documents to show he was the owner, reported The Blaze website.

The papers he provided are known legally as a “quiet title”, involved in situations where the property has been abandoned.

The family is moving to Pittsburgh and foreclosing on their Springfield home.

An investigation by a local channel, WLWT-TV, found at least a dozen similar cases involving Carr.

Speaking to the news team, Carr said: “When you abandon a property, bam, walk away from it, ‘I ain’t never coming back. I don’t want nothing to do with it,’ right? Somebody can come in, ‘Oh, mine.'”