Black Multiple Rapist Foiled in His Attack

Komo News
November 15, 2013

Greg Walton.

A woman was attacked and nearly raped by a sex offender and felon inside a Harborview Medical Center restroom but was saved when a friend heard her screams for help, according to the Seattle Police Department.

The victim was visiting friends at the hospital around 5:15 p.m. Saturday. After eating at the cafeteria, she went into a women’s restroom nearby.

While looking for hand sanitizer, the victim noticed a man, 38-year-old Greg Walton, standing inside the restroom, blocking the door, according to the police report for the incident.

According to the report, Walton charged at the victim, grabbed her by the neck, and pushed her into a bathroom stall, forcing the stall door open with her body.

After closing the stall door behind him, Walton reportedly lifted the victim off her feet and slammed her head against the back wall so hard she thought she was going to lose consciousness.

The victim later told officers she originally thought Walton just wanted to steal her purse. But after he made no attempt to grab the purse from around her shoulder, she believed he was going to rape her.

According to the report, the victim started yelling for help, but Walton told her to be quiet and tightened his grip around her neck so she couldn’t scream.

The victim told officers she thought Walton might kill her.

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