Black Murderer Who Killed Young White Woman Dies in Prison

Columbia Tribune
January 26, 2015

becky doisy
Waitress Becky Doisy was murdered in August of 1976.

A 70-year-old man who avoided arrest for nearly 35 years before his second-degree murder conviction died Jan. 15 at the Jefferson City Correctional Center.

Johnny Wright was pronounced dead at 7:15 p.m. Thursday of apparent natural causes, according to a news release from the Missouri Department of Corrections. He first was admitted to prison April 14, 2011, to serve a 30-year sentence.

Wright was convicted in January 2011 of the 1976 murder of 23-year-old Becky Doisy, whose body was never found. A former roommate testified at Wright’s trial that he had bragged about Doisy’s murder and had shown him the body.

Johnny Wright was not convicted for the crime until 2011.

Wright evaded detection for decades, living under the assumed name Errol Edwards in Seattle, Georgia, and Beaumont, Texas. An arrest warrant was issued in 1985, but he was not arrested until 2010 after he walked into a Georgia police station and asked for a background check for a job using an ID card with his real name.

Doisy’s sister, Kathy, testified in court that her sister’s disappearance could not be mentioned around her father, and he frequently had nightmares about her screaming for help. Kathy Doisy said her parents both died before Wright’s trial.

The people listed as Wright’s contacts didn’t accept responsibility for his body, so the state will make funeral arrangements, said Department of Corrections spokesman David Owens.

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Becky Doisy’s body was never found.