Black Murders White Good Samaritan

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
March 20, 2018

Hakeem Sanders.

The only time you should try and be helpful to other people when blacks are involved is if you are warning someone they are about to be stabbed or something.

Don’t try and save a dumb whore leaving with one.

Also, do not relax.

Star News Online:

Court records in Hakeem Sanders’ home state of New Jersey, indicate the 31-year-old man was was charged in February 2011 with murder and three counts of unlawful possession of firearms.

The New Jersey court records indicate, however, that Sanders pleaded to one of the lesser charges and nothing came of the murder allegation.

According to the record, in 2014 Sanders pleaded guilty in the case to unlawful possession of a handgun and was sentenced to 3 years in prison. Because he had been in custody since his 2011 arrest, he received credit for time served and spent just one day in prison, according to a spokeswoman for the New Jersey Department of Corrections.

Sanders is being held in the New Hanover County jail on a $1 million bond in the death Wednesday of Edward Alan Pearson, 58, of Wilmington.

On Monday night about 11 p.m., Pearson was inside the Safeway convenience store on Wilshire Boulevard when he witnessed a physical altercation allegedly between Sanders and a woman, Wilmington Police Department spokeswoman Linda Thompson said.

Thompson said that as Sanders walked out of the store, Pearson turned to the woman and warned her against going outside with him.

“The only thing that Mr. Pearson said was, ‘Don’t go back out there,’ and that was it. He never called the police, he never asked anyone to call the police. The guy just overheard it and came back and punched him,” Thompson said.

Edward Alan Pearson.