Black Navy Officer Refuses to Stand for the National Anthem

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 29, 2016

This is fun.

This is actually sedition and possibly mutiny. The only way to say that it isn’t is to say Blacks are so stupid that they don’t understand what sedition is.

Fox News:

The U.S. Navy has launched an investigation into the case of a sailor who didn’t salute as the National Anthem played during a recent morning flag-raising at Pearl Harbor, an official said Tuesday.

U.S. Pacific Fleet spokesman Senior Chief Petty Officer Joel Cesar said it’s up to the sailor’s commander whether she faces any punishment for failing to salute the flag on Sept. 19.

The sailor under investigation is Petty Officer 2nd Class Janaye Ervin, an intelligence specialist in the Navy Reserve. She was recently in Hawaii for about two weeks for an exercise. She’s assigned to the Navy Operational Support Center at North Island, Calif.

Ervin had explained her actions in a since-deleted Facebook book.

“I feel like a hypocrite singing about the ‘land of the free’ when I know that only applies to some Americans,” she wrote. “I will gladly stand again, when ALL AMERICANS are afforded the same freedom.”

Ervin said she was threatened with jail time for her actions.

According to, Ervin’s protest comes two weeks after another sailor stationed in Pensacola, Fla. filmed herself for the morning ceremony. Officials with the Naval Education and Training Command told that the unidentified sailor was subject to administrative discipline.

The Navy’s protocol handbook says sailors in uniform must salute during the anthem. They must also face the flag, or if a flag is not visible, sailors are required to face the direction of the music.

These people have no idea what is going on.

And I don’t really think the Jews that are egging them on do either.

These sort of actions are just going to make normal White people hate the Blacks.

This woman can actually be executed for this, under existing military law.

10 U.S. Code § 894 – Art. 94. Mutiny or sedition:

(a) Any person subject to this chapter who—

(1) with intent to usurp or override lawful military authority, refuses, in concert with any other person, to obey orders or otherwise do his duty or creates any violence or disturbance is guilty of mutiny;

(2) with intent to cause the overthrow or destruction of lawful civil authority, creates, in concert with any other person, revolt, violence, or other disturbance against that authority is guilty of sedition;

(3) fails to do his utmost to prevent and suppress a mutiny or sedition being committed in his presence, or fails to take all reasonable means to inform his superior commissioned officer or commanding officer of a mutiny or sedition which he knows or has reason to believe is taking place, is guilty of a failure to suppress or report a mutiny or sedition.

(b) A person who is found guilty of attempted mutiny, mutiny, sedition, or failure to suppress or report a mutiny or sedition shall be punished by death or such other punishment as a court-martial may direct.

Here’s her video.

I really, really hope Obama comes out and endorses this.