Black NFL Lineman Deliberately Infects Girlfriend with Herpes

Daily Stormer
August 1, 2014

Pittsburgh Steelers lineman Cam Thomas is being sued for allegedly giving his ex-girlfriend herpes and making excuses for the red sores on his genitals, thighs and buttocks.

What sort of woman sleeps with an ape?

The sort of woman that would sleep with someone who had ‘noticeable sores on their penis’ and ‘pus-filled bumps on their buttocks and inner thigh’ apparently.

Daily Mail:

Pittsburgh Steelers player Cam Thomas is being sued for allegedly giving his ex-girlfriend genital herpes.

The 27-year-old lineman has also been accused of lying to the woman, saying the ‘puss-filled bumps on his buttocks and inner thigh’ were the result of sweat buildup and that the noticeable sores on his penis came from a zipper accident.

Thomas – who started 10 games for Pittsburgh last year – has vehemently denied the allegations through his legal team, who say the woman is after money.

The lawsuit was filed in San Diego under the name ‘Adrienne’ and was obtained by TMZ Sports.

Thomas dated the woman during his NFL stint with the San Diego Chargers in 2010. The player spent the first four years of his NFL career with the Chargers before deciding to go across the country to join the Pittsburgh Steelers last year.

Adrienne claims she dated Thomas in 2010 when he played for the San Diego Chargers
and that the two would often have unprotected sex.

According to the lawsuit, she had a sexual health check up in December 2010 but the results were all clear.

Then in February 2012 she tested positive for genital herpes.

Adrienne maintains Thomas is the only person that she could have contracted the disease from.

In her suit, Adrienne also claims Thomas was physically abusive during their relationship.

However she never went to police to file a complaint.

She’s suing for sexual battery, intentional infliction of emotional distress, fraud through intentional concealment and negligence.

Adrienne is seeking unspecified damages, however Thomas will fight the claims in court.

He has denied the allegations through his legal team and said the woman, known only as ‘Adrienne,’ is just after money.