Black Pedo-Rapist Charged With 1,300 Counts of Child Porno

December 27, 2013

Edward Bush
Edward Bush is facing charges including aggravated rape, forcible rape, production of pornography involving juveniles, possession with the intent to distribute pornography, and molestation of a juvenile.

A New Orleans man arrested last month on several rape and child pornography charges was booked last week on additional charges which included more than 1,300 counts of possession and production of child pornography, court records show.

The large number of charges, and their severity, prompted a magistrate judge to set a bond of about $10 million dollars — a rarely-seen figure.

On Dec. 18 police booked Edward Bush, 47, on a slew of charges including aggravated rape, forcible rape, production of pornography involving juveniles, possession of pornography involving juveniles, possession with the intent to distribute pornography, and molestation of a juvenile.

According to an arrest warrant filed in Orleans Parish Criminal District Court, detectives in NOPD’s child abuse division began investigating Bush on Nov. 3 after  allegations that he had been sexually involved with a minor.

Throughout the course of the investigation, NOPD detective Marcia Willis-Watson learned that Bush had forced a 13-year-old girl into sexual intercourse, and that he had used his computer and camera to film several acts between the two.

Bush was arrested on Nov. 6 and booked on four counts each of forcible rape, pornography involving juveniles and committing an aggravated sex crime.

After securing a search warrant for Bush’s Gentilly home in the 6000 block of Pratt Drive, Watson confiscated a computer and camera equipment found inside the house.

On the computer, Watson found hundreds of still images and videos showing Bush involved in sexual acts with a different young girl.

Police interviewed the second girl shown in the video, who is now 22-years-old, and she told detectives that she had been sexually involved with Bush beginning when she was 12-years-old.

In the images and videos, the warrant says, Bush is shown engaging in sexual acts with the young girl over a period of five years. In the footage, police said, Bush is seen several times “setting the scenes by placing video cameras in multiple positions to capture every angle of the sexual abuse.” Bush is also seen in the reflection of a mirror holding up the camera while he films the sex acts.

During several of the videos, the girl is seen wearing a makeshift blindfold over her eyes while Bush assaults her, the record states. The girl is seen making “several attempts to yell and move away to stop (Bush),” the record shows.

In addition to producing the hundreds of illicit images, police said they had grounds to believe that Bush was also selling the photos for profit: several of the images found on Bush’s computer were duplicates and the 13-year-old girl who first spoke with police told detectives that he had been selling the photographs.

Bush, who has been locked up since his Nov. 6 arrest, was booked on the following charges Wednesday: Three counts of aggravated rape, 26 counts of molestation of a juvenile, 1,334 counts of pornography involving juveniles, and one count each of forcible rape and possession of three or more pornographic photos involving children with the intent to sell.

Bush’s combined bond for all of his charges was set at roughly 10 million dollars.

If convicted of the aggravated rape charges, Bush could face life imprisonment.

Engaging in the production of pornography involving a child younger than 13 in the state of Louisiana is punishable by anywhere from 25 to 99 years.