Daily Stormer
March 11, 2015
Did you know there was such a thing as Black Selfie Day? Me neither. But there is.
What is it, you ask?
According to one of the creators of the event, Tumblr user expect-the-greatest, it’s about “celebrating the beauty of Blackness”, something he describes as being of “the UTMOST importance”.
In his own words: “I got inspired to propose Blackout day after thinking “Damn, I’m not seeing enough Black people on my dash”. Of course I see a constant amount of Black celebrities but what about the regular people? Where is their shine? When I proposed it, I thought people would think it was a good idea, but not actually go through with implementing it. Luckily people wanted to get behind the idea, and @recklessthottie created the #BlackOut tag.
So lots and lots of people have been uploading photos of themselves and posting them to social media sites – Tumblr, Twitter, and Facebook key among them.
And the images have been diverse, in terms of sexual identity, religion, age, body shape and size, and geographical location. Many of them have incredibly moving words attached. And all of them have one thing in common: The subjects of the photos are black.
Wow! Super interesting! I really hope this helps the Blacks with their self-esteem issues! As a White person, I get tired of seeing Blacks riot and commit violent crimes constantly, and sometimes think if they had better self-esteem they would do this less! So I am elated about #BlackOut!
This was one of the most retweeted posts from the event:

And though White appears to have at least as much input as Black on this particular beauty, I’m not stressed. I’m just happy Blacks are gaining some self-confidence, and that this may lead to less violent crime.
Good job Blacks! It takes a lot to put make-up on and take pictures of yourselves! You really are amazing! Please, stop rioting! Great!
What happened though is that Whites, who are also people with a desire to like themselves, decided to do their own selfie day. Surprisingly, instead of encouraging Whites to also have confidence in themselves, as Whites encouraged Blacks, Blacks responded by calling Whites Nazis and calling for their deaths!
Guys, we put up with a lot from you, what with all of the riots, the rapes and endless murder – not to mention the amount of welfare you suck from us! Why is there, on top of this, a need to be so mean???