December 27, 2014

Back in the 1950s the radical left claimed that school segregation caused blacks to have low self-esteem. A study was presented to the US supreme Court during Brown vs. the Board of education. It involved black girls picking white dolls. However, 50% of the results of the study were omitted to intentionally distort the results. After the Supreme Court ruled that schools must be desegregated, it was quietly admitted that the decision was largely based on fake evidence.
Since then, study after study has shown that blacks have higher self-esteem. Asians have the lowest. Whites fall in the middle. This information has been intentionally ignored by the media and the left wing since the 1950s. It is a secret that must be buried to protect the state religion of multiculturalism.
The left is constantly blaming black shortcomings on alleged low self-esteem. Then they allege that white people cause blacks to have low self-esteem. Nothing could be further from the truth. Hundreds of studies can be found in scientific journals showing that blacks have higher self-esteem, inflated assessments of their own intelligence, a more positive body image, etc.

The Institute for Social Research at the University of Michigan examined 100 years of social science publications on race. They found that from the 1900s to 1960s, social science publication alleged that blacks had low self-esteem. Then, once researchers began collecting empirical evidence around the 1970s, they found that the exact opposite was true.
Institute for Social Research at the University of Michigan (2004):
More recent findings have documented that Blacks have higher self-esteem than Whites (Adams, 2003; Crocker & Lawrence, 1999; Crocker, Luhtanen, Blaine, & Broadnax, 1994; Harris & Stokes, 1978; Gray-Little & Hafdahl, 2000; Milkie, 1999; Porter & Washington, 1979; Rosenberg & Simmons, 1972; Simmons, 1978; Taylor & Walsh, 1979; Tashakkori, Thompson, Wade, & Valente, 1990; Twenge & Crocker, 2002). A brief history of self-esteem research provides an illuminating view of the evolution of social science research in African American communities. This article has three aims: First, it presents social science reports that depicted Black low self-esteem (1900s to 1960s) and current empirical findings that have uncovered Black high self-esteem (1970s to the present).
By the 1970s, a majority of empirical studies found that Blacks had high self-esteem (Simmons, 1978; Taylor & Walsh, 1979; Rosenberg & Simmons, 1972; Harris & Stokes, 1978; Porter & Washington, 1979). Cross (1991) also reviewed studies published from 1968 to1980, and found that 74% of the studies
reported that Blacks had equal or higher self-esteem than Whites.…
Black adolescent girls are confronted with gendered role messages on sexual attractiveness and accommodation as well as racial messages about Black marginality in White America. Despite the effects of negative media images, early puberty onset, and unplanned pregnancies, a plethora of quantitative and qualitative studies have reported that Black adolescent girls consistently present high self-esteem scores (Adams, 2003; Alan Guttmacher Institute, 1999; Brodsky, 1999; Brown et al., 1998; Dukes & Martinez, 1994; Gray-Little & Hafdahl, 2000; Makkar & Strube, 1995; Milkie, 1999; Twenge & Crocker, 2002). In an empirical review of race comparative research published from 1980-2000, Adams (2003) found that 23 of 26 studies reported that Black girls had higher self-esteem than White girls. Black adolescent girls may be facing difficult circumstances but they consistently rate higher on self-esteem than any other racial group (Twenge & Crocker, 2002).
The definition of narcissism is the inordinate fascination with oneself; excessive self-love; vanity. A perfect example of a narcissist is Barack Obama, a man who had already written two autobiographies at a young age.
Journal of Research in Personality, Racial differences in narcissistic tendencies, October 2011:
Black individuals have been found to report the highest levels of self-esteem of any racial group in the United States. The purpose of the present research was to examine whether Black individuals also report higher levels of narcissism than White individuals. Study 1 (N = 367) found that Black individuals reported higher levels of narcissism than White individuals even when controlling for gender, self-esteem level, and socially desirable response tendencies. Study 2 (N = 967) and Study 3 (N = 315) found similar results such that Black individuals reported higher levels of narcissism than White individuals on the narcissism measures that captured less pathological facets of this construct. Study 3 also included indicators of psychological adjustment and found that the pathological aspects of narcissism were more strongly associated with maladjustment for Black individuals than for White individuals. The implications of these results for understanding the Black self-esteem advantage are discussed.
Another perfect example of high black self-esteem is the fact that black women have the most positive body image of all women. When males are questioned about which women they find most attractive, even black males rank black females the lowest. Black women, however, give themselves the highest scores.
Despite all the studies, white liberals continue to scream that we need to raise the self-esteem of blacks.