Black Pigeon Goes After Jews Over Inventing 5 Million Holo-Deaths

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 20, 2017

This is a fantastic video. All his stuff is good, but this is the best yet.

He starts off talking about PewDieGate, then brings up the recent admission by the Jews that they invented 5 million Holocaust deaths.

Because which is a bigger deal:

  1. Joking about Jews, or
  2. Lying about five million dead people to push a political agenda?

He doesn’t go the whole way and say “well, if they are openly admitting they invented 5 million for political purposes, why should we believe the other 6 million died?” – but he comes pretty darn close.

Anyway, it’s a super high quality, well done video that is well worth sharing with any normie friends you may still have – particularly if they are fans of PewDiePie.

Man, this PewDiePie troll sure was fantastic, no?

I mean. You can get these Jews to do anything.