Black Pigeon Produces Shill Video for Donald Trump

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 9, 2017

Black Pigeon has produced a shill video for Donald Trump, defending his attack on Syria as an act of political theater.

He points to the fact that there were no real world consequences to the attack – most of the missiles didn’t even hit the base – but that there are large political benefits to the image of Trump acting in this fashion.

  • Proves he’s decisive, better than Obama
  • Appeases media, neocons, liberals
  • Proves he’s not a Russian shill
  • Proves to China he’s serious
  • etc.

This is certainly the kindest possible interpretation. I’m a little bit surprised seeing it from Black Pigeon.

That said, it is fully possible that this is correct. It is just a question of what happens next.

What we are seeing is Nimrata Randhawa calling for the ousting of Assad, claiming it is among the most important goals of the US (she implied it is more important than defeating ISIS).

But of course, he could just be letting that bitch run her mouth.

This airstrike as a simple chess move, rather than a complicated multi-dimensional chess move, is an appealing idea. Certainly, the fact that virtually no damage whatsoever was done to the base serves to support such a position.

However, when you combine this with the apparent Kushner takeover, this explanation makes less real life sense.

Unless of course the Kushner takeover news is some kind of chess move….


I will say what I’ve been saying.

The only option we have is to wait and see what happens next.

We have absolutely no other option.

I think people burning their MAGA hats are going a little bit overboard. A war on Syria would be more than enough reason to turn against Trump completely, but we don’t have an open war on Syria yet, and we don’t even know if that is being seriously considered or not.

We have no idea what is going on.

Which is why I’m not going along with Black Pigeon or Molyneux’ kind interpretations, I’m not going along with the Twitter people freaking out and saying Trump was a shill from the beginning, I’m not going along with anyone.

No one knows what’s happening and to jump to any conclusion right now is irresponsible.

What I will say is that I would appreciate some kind of sign from Trump that he is still working for us. Some kind of government move against the ADL/SPLC would certainly give me a little bit of room to hold on to a little bit of faith as we wait to see if he’s really thinking about starting WWIII for gas babies.