Black Pimp Claims He is Victim of ‘Modern-Day Lynching’ After Brutal Murder of White Love-Cheat

M Live
January 20, 2015

John Dahlinger was found dead in his bed by his longtime fiancee Melanie Yanchuk at their condominium in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

The man convicted of the brutal murder of John Dahlinger told the judge handing down a life sentence that he is the victim of “a modern-day lynching.”

Danyell Thomas was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole Tuesday, Jan. 13, by Kent County Circuit Court Judge Paul Sullivan.

And while no one was in court to speak on behalf of the victim, 37-year-old Thomas did tell the judge that he maintains his innocence and believed that the jury would exonerate him due to the lack of physical evidence tying Thomas to the crime including fingerprints and DNA.

Thomas said that he believes he was convicted simply because he is a black man accused of killing a white man.

Danyell Thomas is accused of murdering Dahlinger in October 2013.

“I feel I am the victim of a modern-day lynching,” Thomas said. “I hope I will one day be exonerated for this crime which I did not commit.”

Thomas said he understood the suffering of the Dahlinger family because his family is also suffering loss of a loved one.

“May God bless the entire Dahlinger family and my own,” Thomas said.

Before sentencing Thomas to a mandatory sentence of life in prison without parole, Sullivan said he agreed with the jury’s decision. Sullivan said it is a mistake to believe that the absence of DNA or fingerprints alone means the absence of guilt.

He was allegedly shot after he could not pay prostitute Dijana Kilic after she performed a strip tease at his home.