Black Pleads Guilty to Murdering Small White Child

Daily Stormer
February 10, 2016


How much more of this can we possibly tolerate?

These White sluts are just as bad as the Blacks they serve.


More than six months after Lonzie Barton’s disappearance, the man responsible admits to his role.

Ruben Ebron has pled guilty to aggravated manslaughter of a child, child neglect, lying to police, and tampering with evidence. He received a 20 year sentence at Florida State Prison for the manslaughter charge, and lesser sentences for the other charges which will run concurrent.

The facts included in the plea give new insight in to the circumstances around the toddler’s death. Prosecutors say Ebron and the toddler’s mother, Lonna Lauramore Barton, turned away their attention of the toddler in order to engage in sexual relations. There was a full bathtub in the apartment, and the couple later found Lonzie face down in the water. Ebron says he panicked and staged an abduction, while Lauramore Barton went to work.

Neither tried to get medical attention for Lonzie. The toddler had additionally been in medical distress in the days leading up to his death, but he did not get medical attention at that time either. JSO Chief Tom Hackney says a key reason they put such a big focus on finding the toddler’s body was because he needed responsible adults in his life.

“This is a little boy who lived a tragic, tragic life and died a tragic, tragic death,” Hackney says.

Hackney says getting a guilty verdict without finding Lonzie’s body would have been “missing the mark”. Prosecutors had actually turned down a prior plea agreement put forward by Ebron, but say when he finally offered to lead them to the body, that was the tipping point.

“There was only one person that could lead us to Lonzie’s grave, just one person that could make sure Lonzie was recovered from an unmarked, isolated, shallow grave and brought home to his loved ones and a proper resting place,” says State Attorney Angela Corey.

Lonzie’s mother pled guilty last month to child neglect and lying to police, and could face up to five years in prison. Corey says, at this time, they are not looking at more charges against her because that case would not be based on evidence.

“The problem with these cases- when they’re both lying, and it’s a finger pointing contest liked these cases tend to be- what pulls us out, what saves law enforcement and the prosecution, at the physical findings that refute what either or both are saying. We did not have that in this scase, there was not a shred of tissue left on this child’s remains that can be analyzed.