Black Pleads Guilty to Smothering 87-Year-Old Retired White School Teacher

April 13, 2014

A Black beast killed Joseph J. DeVivo for his wallet and his car.

There was a surprise guilty plea Monday morning in Monroe County as a murder trial was about to begin.

Rico Herbert of Stroudsburg pleaded guilty to third degree murder and other charges in Monroe County court.

More than two years after his arrest, Rico Herbert pleaded guilty to third degree murder and other charges in Monroe County. Herbert admits killing 87-year old Joseph DeVivo in 2012.

The plea came just as jury selection for Herbert’s trial was about to start. DeVivo’s family was at the courthouse and happy Herbert admitted his guilt.

“It was a horrible ordeal for our family to live through for more than two years we were waiting for this nightmare to end. We finally have closure,” said the victim’s son Joseph A. DeVivo.

Herbert’s attorneys say their client has been thinking about calling off the trial for quite some time, but he didn’t take responsibility until just now.

“He showed some remorse I mean this is not a person hard of heart or callous, I think it was an unfortunate set of circumstance that led him to where he is today,” said defense attorney Tom Sundmaker.

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Rico Herbert finally admitted to the crime 2 years after being arrested and just as the jury were being picked for the trial.

Back in 2012 Herbert was charged with killing DeVivo, a retired school teacher in Stroudsburg. Herbert now admits he smothered DeVivo, took off with DeVivo’s car and wallet and drove his body to South Carolina where he dumped it. Prosecutors say Herbert’s plea spares the DeVivo family from gruesome testimony.

“Oh absolutely, the reliving of this, there would have been some very graphic evidence, one of the counts being abuse of a corpse,” said Monroe County Assistant District Attorney Michael Mancuso.

The victim’s family members listened to OnStar tapes in court. On the recording Herbert pretended to be DeVivo before he dumped the body.

Now DeVivo’s three children say they’re closing this door and moving forward – keeping the memory of their father alive and have established a scholarship fund in his name.


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