Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 11, 2015

A Black woman in the Chicago area has reportedly be fired from a zoo (yes) following a backlash after she posted a picture on Facebook of herself in uniform attacking White customers.
Apparently, there is now a push to apply SJWisms to Blacks who attack Whites.
This is obviously a response to the outrageous levels that Black privilege has reached during the Age of Obama, but it is more of an escape valve than a true attempt to correct this unlevel playing field.
Officials at Brookfield Zoo said they have taken “prompt action,” after receiving multiple complaints after Facebook user Shana “PoohPooh” Latrice posted the photo that said, “At work serving these rude ass white people,” a local CBS affiliate reported.
The photo was tagged as being taken at the zoo and appears to have been shot in front of a concessions stand. Ms. Latrice’s Facebook page has since been disabled.
Brookfield Zoo spokeswoman Sondra Katzen called the employee’s actions “unacceptable.”
“This employee’s statements in social media are in violation of our policies and do not reflect our institution’s values. We have zero tolerance for these kinds of divisive behaviors. We treat all employment matters confidentially, but rest assured that we have taken prompt action to remedy the situation,” she said in a statement.
Several Facebook users were angry that the zoo’s statement didn’t clearly specify whether Ms. Latrice was fired. David Sears posted, “At this point she is either still employed there and I will never step foot there again. Or she got fired in which case you have not confirmed this so I still will not go to the zoo and discourage others from going.”
The zoo responded: “This individual is no longer employed by the Zoo.”
Meanwhile, a Facebook group titled, “I stand with Shana Poohpooh Latrice,” has reached 512 members.
“This group’s purpose is to decry the violent and racist [upheaval] of one of Brookfield Zoo’s finest employees! Shame on Brookfield Zoo! Shana Poohpooh Latrice, we stand with you!” the group’s description states.
The fact is, I don’t really care what this Poo bitch thinks of my race. I can’t imagine caring less. What I care about is the double-standard that is applied to the races, and all of the special privileges Black people receive, all of the special treatment from institutions. But firing this bitch, in some way, plays into the existing SJW narrative.
The only real solution to the Black problem is mass deportation to Africa. Anyway you come at it, you can only end with that solution. Maybe if the “civil rights” movement had never happened, we could have lived beside these people in some kind of peace, but that train left the station a long time ago.