Hamish Patton
Daily Stormer
November 25, 2015

A black postal worker who spat on some rag-head women and followed them into a New York deli has proven that on the Juden scale of pets the black has now slipped below the Moslem.
While tirelessly upholding the post office creed of “neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds,” the salaried dindu mail-thief paused from his appointed rounds to abuse some haji women.
Perhaps there were no White people around to hate on, but the Negro Newman was so full of feelings that he went all neocon on the haji women, spitting at them before threatening to burn down their temple.
The Daily Mail reports:
A New York City postal worker faces hate crime charges after he allegedly spat at two Muslim women, followed them into a deli and threatened to burn down their mosque.
Dainton Coley, 34 is suspected of bumping into sisters wearing hijabs on a sidewalk in Brooklyn’s Bedford Stuyvesant neighborhood before launching into an anti-Islam tirade.
The women pushing a baby stroller fled into a nearby store, where Coley was caught on video surveillance continuing to yell at them inside on Friday evening.
He was charged with acting in a manner injurious to a child, harassment and menacing as a hate crime.
‘I am going to burn your ‘f**king’ temple,’ Coley said, according to the Council on American-Islamic Relations.
Just for the record, it’s now official that haji lives don’t matter to the Black Lives Matter crowd, which should include anyone close to the color of charcoal, or even a cigar.
One of them woman reportedly told him that he was crazy, but he replied, ‘I’m not crazy, I work in the post office’.
He also allegedly called the two sisters ‘terrorists’, elbowed one and called one a ‘n*****’.
At one point Coley runs off after the woman without a child moves towards him, though a Council on American-Islamic Relations worker told ABC7 that he said he would be waiting outside.
Jameel Abdulla, who owns the deli, said that Coley is well known on the street and stops in the store to buy beer during his route.
Yousif Adailam told DNA Info that he had also bothered customers at the location before.
He has also been heard shouting profanities while at the store.
According to NYPD data, anti-Muslim hate crimes in New York are down 43 per cent in the year ending November 15.
Just backing up their a minute, we note that it’s perfectly acceptable for a black postal worker to stop and guzzle a can of Colt 45 while on duty; which would, one imagines, be a sackable offense. And more so when you consider his beaut habit of getting pissed while on duty and going nig on every passer-by. But that’s affirmative blacktion at its finest.