Black Predators Jailed for Raping Vulnerable Schoolgirls who Tried to Kill Themselves Afterwards

Chronicle Live
August 11, 2014

HafeezColeOyeDada_MosesOlogbenla (1)
Moses Ologbenla was given six years for sexual activity with a child.

Two vulnerable schoolgirls tried to kill themselves after being plied with drink and drugs and subjected to vile sex attacks by these two predators.

Hafeez Cole Oye-Dada raped a 14-year-old girl after “cynically exploiting” her by giving her alcohol and cannabis.

He waited until she was incapable through intoxication then attacked her at his friend’s home in the west end of Newcastle, leaving her half naked in a pool of vomit on a bare mattress.

In another room of the property, Moses Ologbenla was subjecting the girl’s 14-year-old friend to another sex attack after getting her drunk on vodka and cannabis.

Now the pair have been jailed for a total of 16 years after being snared as part of Operation Sanctuary, a police crackdown on sex offences against vulnerable girls and women.

As married father Oye-Dada was locked up for 10 years for rape and Ologbenla six years for sexual activity with a child, it emerged both victims had taken overdoses after their ordeals.

In a victim impact statement read to Newcastle Crown Court, Oye-Dada’s victim said: “As a result of this I don’t feel right in my body and I feel worthless and as if I was regarded as easy.

“I took an overdose and was admitted to hospital. At that time I just wanted everything to end.

“I was very upset because the rape has left me feeling very uneasy around men.

“It has caused difficulties with my relationship with my dad and affected my relationships with other people.”

Ologbenla’s victim said in her statement that she had taken two overdoses, both of which left her in hospital.

She said: “I took overdoses to try to kill myself because I didn’t see the point of living.

“The incident was my first time. I would not have had sex with him if he had not given me alcohol and cannabis.

“My mother didn’t trust me afterwards in case I got in a similar situation and that led to me running away and spending time in foster care.”

The court heard the two girls had ended up back at Ologbenla’s flat on Ellesmere Road, Benwell, Newcastle after he met one of them in the street and invited her round.

Prosecutors said Ologbenla and Oye-Dada planned the attacks and acted together, although the offences took place in separate rooms, in March this year.

Oye-Dada’s victim had passed out before the attack and woke up to find she had been raped.

She dialled 999 to alert police by pretending she was phoning her brother, the court heard.

Hafeez Cole Oye-Dada was given ten years for rape of a child.

Both men were in the country illegally having overstayed their visas and will be deported after serving their prison sentences, the court heard.

Jailing Oye-Dada, Judge Penny Moreland told him: “The jury have convicted you of an utterly cynical exploitation of a girl of 14.

“You didn’t care how old she was or whether she consented and you watched as she became incapable through drink and cannabis.

“You then raped her with some force and left her half naked, eventually in a pool of vomit, on a bare mattress in the front room of that flat.

“She was particularly vulnerable through her age and you used alcohol and drugs to achieve a state in which she could be raped.

“You have caused her harm which will continue for the foreseeable future.”

Turning to Ologbenla, the judge said he had also used drink and drugs to obtain compliance before taking advantage of the schoolgirl he attacked.

Oye-Dada, of Hampstead Road, Benwell, who claims to be 24 but is thought to be 44, was found guilty of rape after a trial.

Ologbenla, 31, of Ellesmere Road, was convicted of sexual activity with a child but cleared of meeting a child after grooming.

As well as the prison sentences, both men will have to sign the sex offender register for life and were made subject to sexual offences prevention orders banning them from having contact with youngsters.

Tony Davis, for Oye-Dada, said his client was not at the flat when the girls arrived.

Brian Hegarty, for Ologbenla, said he had come to Newcastle from London to do a college course.

After the case, Assistant Chief Constable Winton Keenen said: “We are pleased the court has recognised the dreadful crimes these two men have committed. They will have time to reflect on their abhorrent actions while behind bars.

“They targeted their victims, knowing they were underage and preyed on their vulnerabilities.

“This was with the intention of luring them into a false sense of security so they could sexually assault and rape them, all while under the influence of significant amounts of alcohol, which they supplied.

“I commend the girls’ courage in coming forward. I sincerely hope they can move on with their lives in the knowledge that these men will not pose a threat to other vulnerable girls and women in the foreseeable future.”

The case forms part of Operation Sanctuary, Northumbria Police’s wide-ranging investigation into allegations of sexual crimes against women and girls who are vulnerable.

Assistant Chief Constable Keenan said: “The investigation will continue over the months to come until we are convinced we have left no stone unturned and have taken action against any offender.

“Today’s verdict should encourage victims to come forward and trust that we will take them seriously, investigate thoroughly and support them throughout the legal process.

“There is absolutely no place in our communities for this behaviour and the convictions today should be a clear message to those who abuse women and young girls that we will bring them to justice.”

Oye-Dada tried to con Newcastle Crown Court that he was only 24 years old, but it is thought that he is actually 44.