Black Punches White Jogger in the Face

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
October 3, 2017

There was no motive for this, nothing to read into here.

Move along.

Fox News:

The victim, a woman in her 30’s, has a black eye and some swelling. While the punch shook her emotionally, it didn’t knock her down. She wanted to share her warning, but asked that we not share her name for her protection.

“I was walking south, he was walking north and at the very last second he stepped in front of me and just clocked me as hard as he could,” the victim said. “I want people to be aware. Just because it’s daylight doesn’t mean you’re safe,” she added.

Police describe the suspect as a black male, between 30 and 35 years old, 6 feet tall, 185 to 200 pounds, medium build, clean shaven, wearing blue jeans and a grey t-shirt. He was last seen in the 4100 block of Enright.