Black Quadruple Murder Suspect Hires Special Immigration Lawyer to Prevent Deportation

Washington Times
June 17, 2015

This small boy was burned to death by a Black illegal immigrant.

The lone suspect arrested in connection with a quadruple homicide in D.C. has hired a defense attorney specializing in immigration issues after the federal government flagged him for potential deportation.

Darron Wint appeared in D.C. Superior Court Tuesday for a hearing on the appointment of his new attorney, Sean R. Hanover, whom his family hired to replace the public defenders who had previously represented him. Mr. Wint was arrested and charged with first-degree murder in last month’s killings of a D.C. couple, their 10-year-old child and the family’s housekeeper.

Officials from Immigration and Customs Enforcement previously confirmed that Mr. Wint, who is a citizen of Guyana, could face deportation from the United States if he is convicted.

Somehow Darron Wint can afford to hire a special immigration lawyer to prevent him from being deported, before he has even served any time.

Mr. Hanover said although Mr. Wint is a lawful permanent resident, he could face deportation on account of the murder charge and said immigration specialist would be advising his client to keep him apprised of his rights.

After being given a job, the ungrateful Black wretch killed his boss and family.

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