Black Randomly Beats White Girl Jogging

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
August 19, 2017

Michael Hart.

Nothing happened here that was in any way racial, it was just random. Forget that this seems to only happen with nonwhites beating Whites “randomly,” it’s just violence that could be done to anyone by anyone for no reason.


Portland Police said Michael Hart, 50, is facing charges of 2nd degree assault – a class B felony. Hart was arrested Wednesday after someone identified him as the suspect who sucker punched a woman in the face three days prior.

She said that a man walked towards her from across the street and made a gesture before punching her in the face.

“I couldn’t hear what he was saying because I was wearing earbuds. I couldn’t tell if he wanted me to stop and had something to say to me, or if he wanted me to cross to the other side. I crossed in front of him to pass him on my right, and as I did, he looked at me, he was speaking to me and looked very angry, and just clocked me full on in the face,” said Stewart.

Several neighbors rushed over to help Stewart. She has a broken bone in her cheek and two fractures in her nose. On Sunday, she still had a black eye and a cast on her nose.

“I was mostly in rage, because I looked up and he was shuffling away, no running, no nothing, just walking exactly as he had been walking toward me,” she said.

Court documents show Hart has 13 prior felony convictions, one misdemeanor conviction and 29 parole violations.

Susanna Stewart.