Black Rapes Mentally Disabled Woman in Portable Latrine

February 2, 2014

Steven Hickman
Steven Hickman tricked the woman into a potable latrine where he then assaulted her.

The Milton Police Department says they responded to a sexual assault that happened in a portable latrine at Milton Memorial Park.

According to reports, Steven Hickman, 47, of Milton, had a victim with intellectual disabilities go into the latrine under false pretense and then the sexual assault occurred. Police say they victim was transported to Beebe Healthcare where she was treated and released, and they obtained a warrant for Hickman’s arrest.

Police say Hickman was located on Tuesday and taken into court without incident. He was reportedly also wanted on a capias from Family Court. Hickman was reportedly processed and presented to JP Court where he was committed to SCCI in default of $22,000 secured bond for rape, tampering with physical evidence, unlawfully administering drugs, unlawful sexual contact, and indecent exposure, and $10,000 for the Family Court capias.